divendres, 20 de gener del 2012

Cavalry o Calvary?: Gave It A Name

Curiós el que ha passat amb una frase de la nova cançó del Bruce, We Take Care Of Our Own. En una de les estrofes, en Bruce diu:

There ain't no help, the CAVALRY stayed home

En principi, semblava que no hi havia cap dubte sobre la paraula. Però, ai làs, resulta que surt el vídeo oficial (podeu veure'l en el meu anterior post) i surt la lletra de la cançó durant el vídeo. I què surt escrit per a aquesta frase?

There ain't no help, the CALVARY stayed home

I és aquí on comencen les discusions: en Bruce vol dir Cavalleria o vol dir Calvari? Com no podia ser d'una altra forma, ja surten tots els messiànics fent lectures bíbliques i dient que està parlant del Calvari, etc, etc.

Per sort, a darrera hora de la tarda, algú va decidir actualitzar el lloc web oficial del Bruce (www.brucespringsteen.net) i va publicar la lletra oficial. La resposta al dubte quedava resolt: en Bruce diu CAVALRY... i qui va preparar el vídeo és dislèxic!!!

dijous, 19 de gener del 2012

We Take Care Of Our Own: el nou single!

I been knocking on the door that holds the throne
I been looking for the map that leads me home
I been stumbling on good hearts turned to stone
The road of good intentions has gone dry as a bone
We take care of our own
We take care of our own
Wherever this flag's flown
We take care of our own

From Chicago to New Orleans
From the muscle to the bone
From the shotgun shack to the Super Dome
There ain't no help, the cavalry stayed home
There ain't no one hearing the bugle blowin'
We take care of our own
We take care of our own
Wherever this flag's flown
We take care of our own

Where're the eyes, the eyes with the will to see
Where are the hearts that run over with mercy
Where's the love that has not forsaken me
Where's the work that'll set my hands, my soul free
Where's the spirit that'll reign rain over me
Where's the promise from sea to shining sea
Where's the promise from sea to shining sea
Wherever this flag's flown
Wherever this flag's flown
Wherever this flag's flown

We take care of our own
We take care of our own
Wherever this flag's flown
We take care of our own

We take care of our own
We take care of our own
Wherever this flag's flown
We take care of our ownBruce Springsteen